Happy Canada Day!

July 1st is halfway through the year and the perfect day to start some new habits.

This July I will be focusing on my writing habits (or lack thereof). I have been wanting to get more writing done lately and my new friends in the Writerly Kit community have been very encouraging. As part of this encouragement, they have introduced me to Camp NaNoWriMo. It started as a competition to write a whole novel in a month (that seems a bit ambitious for me) but the goals for the July camp are much more varied and you can personalize them to fit your writing projects.

I thought that a bit of structure was just what I needed and I’ve decided to participate in July’s Camp NaNoWriMo event. In fact, there is a whole “cabin” of us Writerly friends who are going to be working alongside each other to offer support and encouragement.

If you are interested in Camp NaNoWriMo Click on this Image!

I will be working on a “Blog Blitz” where I plan to write a whole bunch of blog posts (hopefully at least one a day) that I can then schedule out to fill up the next few months of content on both this blog and a new blog that I’ll tell you about as soon as it is ready. I already have a whole list of great ideas ready to work through. There will be book reviews, experiments, DIY projects and fun memories as well as all sorts of other strange happenings!

Why am I telling you this?

Well, I have heard that if you announce something publicly you are more likely to hold yourself accountable to the goal. Now, as we all know, I am terrible at keeping goals and timelines, which is why I have to try everything I can to force myself into this writing habit.

Continuing with this theme I would like to call upon you my fellow Eccentrics to help me hold myself accountable! Go ahead and check in on me and my writing progress! If I haven’t posted a blog in a while drop me a line and tell me to get my butt in gear!

Let’s keep each other on track!

What new habit are you going to work on this July? Do you need help staying accountable? If you want someone to help you stay on track I am more than willing to check in with you. We could also work together to help you find your tribe of supporters!

Let’s give this a try in July!

~Elena <3


Eccentric is defined as unconventional and slightly strange, this is the right word to describe me.

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1 Comment

  1. Oh, I bet so many people can relate to your thoughts! Congrats on joining in on Campnanowrimo. Great fun to see you there. I love your writing style, by the way.

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