Stress can cause us all to think strangely. Recently I was waiting in a hospital waiting room and as with most hospitals there were TVs set up that were showing the news channel with no volume just subtitles. At one point I looked up and saw a commercial where there was a Mountie sitting proudly atop a moose on the screen with the subtitle “Goose Honk” beneath it and my stress addled brain led to the following conversation:
Me: Goose Honk? What’s a Goose Honk?
Him: It’s the sound a goose makes?
Me: *picturing a Moose, not a goose because I did not notice any goose in the picture*… Uh… No, geese don’t HONK they… well they don’t honk!
Him: *looking at me like I’m a lunatic* Uh… yes, they do?
Me: *looks at him like he was a lunatic thinking “how can a grown adult not know that geese (still picturing a moose in my head) don’t honk?!”*
Also Me: NO…. they don’t…
Then there was a period of back and forth strangeness that eventually ended when
He said: A GOOSE… THE BIRD….
Me: OHHHHHHH! A GOOSE! I was picturing a MOOSE!
Then I start laughing at which point my brain starts to wonder how I could have gotten those two mixed up so through my laughter I say “how could I have gotten goose and moose mixed up?! That’s a big difference”
Him: Well… They both sound the same…
Him: *again looking at me like I might need to be taken upstairs to the mental health unit* No… the words… GOOOOOOOSE…. MOOOOOOSE… only the goose honks.
Me: *laughter so hard that I start a gooselike honking noise*
Him: Yes… Like that!
Other Patients waiting in the waiting room: *BACKS AWAY NOT SO SLOWLY*
At least it distracted me for a while!
~Elena <3