As Canadians we are always apologizing for something, but is it really for the best? Perhaps there is a time when you shouldn’t apologize for …
Is There a ‘Good’ Kind of Anal Leakage?
So, last week we found out I was allergic to Penicillin. This week finds me on an antibiotic that my doctor describes as effective but …
How Does Awareness Help?
I keep seeing all these campaigns to raise “awareness” for all sorts of issues and I found myself wondering why we are raising “awareness” instead …
What IS an Emergency Anyway?
Jagged holes, exposed nerves, purple acid pustule rashes, and enough novocaine to take down an elephant… If there is one thing I’ve learned over the …
You Think I’m the Crazy One?
While most people take their weekend getaways at sunny little B&B’s, recently I’ve taken to spending some nice relaxing weekends in the Mental Health Suite …