I haven’t been feeling very inspired lately. I’ve had to isolate myself so much from society that I am really lonely. The big thing with isolating myself is that I never seem to have people around when I really wish that I had someone to do something nice for me.

In a recent visit with my social worker she suggested that I look for ways to be nice to myself. I thought about it for a while and I really just want some pleasant surprises in my life. When my friend was telling me about getting a subscription box I started to seriously think about something like that for myself. I found a website that listed hundreds of boxes that ship to Canada and after a few days of looking through them all I decided to sign up for one that is designed to inspire writers.

In my first Writerly Kit I received some really inspiring contents. Today I decided to attempt the blackout poetry challenge using the book pages that were included. I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed the exercise!

Blackout poetry sample on book page.
First Try!

At first I had some hesitation at the idea of defacing a book page and of course I was not too excited at the idea of attempting to create poetry (poetry and I do not usually get along well). After a bit of thought however, I realized that the page was already detached from its book so I couldn’t be harming it much more and I decided to dive into this project.

Kind of proud of this one!

The book pages were from a book about how dictionaries are written and edited and yet I was able to find some really interesting word combinations. Once I had done one I just wanted to do more!

The best part of this whole thing is that it gave me the kick I needed to write a blog post today. I guess it is true that sometimes getting a little surprise in the mail can inspire you to attempt amazing things!

Do something nice for yourself today!

~Elena <3


Eccentric is defined as unconventional and slightly strange, this is the right word to describe me.

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1 Comment

  1. Enjoyed your post! Glad you found your way to experiment with the Blackout poetry – very intriguing results.
    As an author, I’d be proud to have someone use pages from my book to make blackout poetry. That’s how I can be okay with tearing books apart. But only after read!
    Thanks for sharing your experience!!

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